Title Sponsorship: $7,500
3 foursomes
Name as Team O Classic presented by (your business name/logo here) on all tournament materials including:
All print materials: invitations, banners, signs, etc…
All social media pages
Any advertising: radio, newspaper, etc…
Tournament big banner welcome sign
Listed on sponsorship banner featuring all sponsors
Opportunity to have Welcome tent with company logos and marketing materials near registration
Photo opportunity with big check presentation to St. Jude patients and families (if available)

Eagle Sponsorship: $5,000
2 foursomes
Company Logo on:
Some print materials: invitations, banners, signs, etc…
All social media pages
Listed on sponsorship banner featuring all sponsors
Opportunity to have company tent with promotional items at Hole 1 or 18
Photo opportunity with big check presentation to St. Jude patients and families (if available)

Birdie Sponsorship: $2,500
1 foursome
Company Logo on:
Some print materials: banners, signs, etc…
All social media pages
Listed on sponsorship banner featuring all sponsors
Opportunity to have company tent with promotional items

Other Sponsorship Opportunities
Driving Range Sponsor ($1,000)
Putting Green Sponsor ($750)
19th Hole (Cocktail reception)
Dinner Sponsor
Drinks Sponsor
Hole/Tee Sponsors ($200)
Prize Money/Awards Sponsors
Raffle Items
Games (Longest drive, closest to the pin, etc.)

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